Travel and travelogues

Lorena Córdoba (ed.), Dos suizos en la selva. Historias del auge cauchero en el Oriente boliviano. Solidar/Suiza-CIHA, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 2015

History / Cultural History / Ethnohistory / Sociology / Cultural Studies / Historical Geography / Ethnic Studies / Latin American Studies / Comparative Literature / Latin American Literature (Literature) / Anthropology / Historical Anthropology / Political Economy / Visual Anthropology / Indigenous Studies / Indigenous or Aboriginal Studies / Historical Sociology / Social Anthropology / Travel Writing / Latin America (Comparative Politics) / Social Sciences / Latin American and Caribbean History / Globalization / Racial and Ethnic Politics / Photography / Violence / Wilderness (Environment) / Ethnography / Literature / Indigenous Languages / Colonial America / Visual Culture / Latin American politics / Political Anthropology / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Social Representations / Bolivian studies / Cultural Theory / Economic Anthropology / Migration / History of Anthropology / Identity (Culture) / Race and Ethnicity / Nationalism / Colonialism / Discrimination / Culture / History of Capitalism / Cultural Tourism / Literary Theory / Cross-Cultural Studies / Indigenous Knowledge / Culture Studies / History of Missions / Indigeneity / Representations / Globalisation and Development / Capitalism / Brazil / Ethnic and Racial Studies / Mission Studies / Amazonia / Writing / Ethnology / Globalization And Postcolonial Studies / Ethnography (Research Methodology) / Bolivia / Ethnic Identity / Ethnic minorities / Latin American literature / Migration Studies / Latin American History / Amazonian Languages / Social History / Imagination / Extractive industries (Economic Anthropology) / Ethnic Conflict / Transnational migration / Archaeology of ethnicity / Race And Ethnicity (in ) migration of indigenous people / South American indigenous languages / Anthropology of Borders / Migration (Anthropology) / Race and ethnicity (Anthropology) / Indigenous Peoples / Travel Literature / Social Imaginaries / Representation of Others / Ethnographic fieldwork / Cultural Anthropology / Ethnicity / Ethnographic Methods / Ethnic Relations / Ethnic Identities / Representation Theory / Photography (Visual Studies) / History and anthropology / Racial and ethnic discrimination / History of Race and Ethnicity / Frontier Studies / Cultures of Capital and Capitalism / Latin American Colonial Literature / Commodification (Anthropology) / Diarios de Viajes / Latin America (esp. Bolivia and Peru) / Anthropology of Capitalism / Relato De Viajes / Historia Social / Literatura Latinoamericana / Etnohistoria / Colonial Latin American History / Varieties of Capitalism / Colonization / Comparative Ethnic Studies / Historia / Representation / Literatura / Travelogue / Amazonian Studies / American Indians / Latin America / Travel / Borders and Frontiers / Ecocriticism, travel writing, popular literature and culture / Racismo y discriminación / Ethnopolitics / Interethnic Relations / Estudios sobre Violencia y Conflicto / Patrimonio Cultural / Natural rubber / Cultural Globalization / Antropología cultural / Litterature de Voyages / Imaginarios sociales / Identity and Alterity / Etnologia / South American Indians / Antropología Social / Sociología / Antropología / Historia política y social siglos XIX y XX / Literatura Comparada / Ethnologie / Representaciones Sociales / Bolivian migration / História / Globalización / Commodification / Amazonian History / Amazonian Ethnology / Capitalismo / Travel and travelogues / Historia Cultural / Antropología Visual / Siglo XIX / Estudios Latinoamericanos / Amazonas / Fotografía / Amazonian Cultures / Anthropology of Lowland South America / Imaginário social / Fotografia / Amazon / Humanities and Social Sciences / Latinoamerica / América Latina / Fronteras / Latin America and the Caribbean / Ethnic Conflicts / South America / Latinamerican Literature / Frontera / Rubber / Viajes / Voyage / Littératures coloniale de voyage / Travelling / Amazigh culture / Antropologia Visual / Borders and Borderlands / Amazonian indigenous peoples / Etnicidad / Historia Moderna / Viajeros / Antropologia Social / Relações étnico-Raciais / Antropología histórica / Etnología / Relaciones interétnicas / Pueblos indígenas / Extractive industries / Etnologia Indígena / Historical and Comparative Sociology / Political Economy and History / Ethnicity and National Identity / Antropología de la violencia / Race/Ethnicity / Ethnic politics / Relações interétnicas / Antropología económica / Immigration and Ethnicity / Llanos de Moxos / Bolivian History / Escritura / Antropologia Social y Cultural / Historia de la Antropología / Globalizacion / Amazonia Bolivia / Literatura de viajes / Rubber boom (caucho) / Post Extractivismo Y Derechos De La Naturaleza / Neo-extractivism / Extractivismo / Estrategias Espaciales Del Capitalismo:: Perspectiva Desde La Diversidad Social / Spatial Strategies of Capitalism / Nomadic/Indigenous People / Ethnicity and Identity Politics / Inter ethnic Relations / Lowland Tropical Forest / Anthropological and Literary Readings of Narratives / Las “Economías De Frontera” En La Historia Del Capitalismo / Visual Anthropology and Sociology / Ethnicity and Nationality / Estudios De Latinoamerica / Bolivia-provincia :Guarayos / Antropologia / Social Science / Historical Geography / Ethnic Studies / Latin American Studies / Comparative Literature / Latin American Literature (Literature) / Anthropology / Historical Anthropology / Political Economy / Visual Anthropology / Indigenous Studies / Indigenous or Aboriginal Studies / Historical Sociology / Social Anthropology / Travel Writing / Latin America (Comparative Politics) / Social Sciences / Latin American and Caribbean History / Globalization / Racial and Ethnic Politics / Photography / Violence / Wilderness (Environment) / Ethnography / Literature / Indigenous Languages / Colonial America / Visual Culture / Latin American politics / Political Anthropology / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Social Representations / Bolivian studies / Cultural Theory / Economic Anthropology / Migration / History of Anthropology / Identity (Culture) / Race and Ethnicity / Nationalism / Colonialism / Discrimination / Culture / History of Capitalism / Cultural Tourism / Literary Theory / Cross-Cultural Studies / Indigenous Knowledge / Culture Studies / History of Missions / Indigeneity / Representations / Globalisation and Development / Capitalism / Brazil / Ethnic and Racial Studies / Mission Studies / Amazonia / Writing / Ethnology / Globalization And Postcolonial Studies / Ethnography (Research Methodology) / Bolivia / Ethnic Identity / Ethnic minorities / Latin American literature / Migration Studies / Latin American History / Amazonian Languages / Social History / Imagination / Extractive industries (Economic Anthropology) / Ethnic Conflict / Transnational migration / Archaeology of ethnicity / Race And Ethnicity (in ) migration of indigenous people / South American indigenous languages / Anthropology of Borders / Migration (Anthropology) / Race and ethnicity (Anthropology) / Indigenous Peoples / Travel Literature / Social Imaginaries / Representation of Others / Ethnographic fieldwork / Cultural Anthropology / Ethnicity / Ethnographic Methods / Ethnic Relations / Ethnic Identities / Representation Theory / Photography (Visual Studies) / History and anthropology / Racial and ethnic discrimination / History of Race and Ethnicity / Frontier Studies / Cultures of Capital and Capitalism / Latin American Colonial Literature / Commodification (Anthropology) / Diarios de Viajes / Latin America (esp. Bolivia and Peru) / Anthropology of Capitalism / Relato De Viajes / Historia Social / Literatura Latinoamericana / Etnohistoria / Colonial Latin American History / Varieties of Capitalism / Colonization / Comparative Ethnic Studies / Historia / Representation / Literatura / Travelogue / Amazonian Studies / American Indians / Latin America / Travel / Borders and Frontiers / Ecocriticism, travel writing, popular literature and culture / Racismo y discriminación / Ethnopolitics / Interethnic Relations / Estudios sobre Violencia y Conflicto / Patrimonio Cultural / Natural rubber / Cultural Globalization / Antropología cultural / Litterature de Voyages / Imaginarios sociales / Identity and Alterity / Etnologia / South American Indians / Antropología Social / Sociología / Antropología / Historia política y social siglos XIX y XX / Literatura Comparada / Ethnologie / Representaciones Sociales / Bolivian migration / História / Globalización / Commodification / Amazonian History / Amazonian Ethnology / Capitalismo / Travel and travelogues / Historia Cultural / Antropología Visual / Siglo XIX / Estudios Latinoamericanos / Amazonas / Fotografía / Amazonian Cultures / Anthropology of Lowland South America / Imaginário social / Fotografia / Amazon / Humanities and Social Sciences / Latinoamerica / América Latina / Fronteras / Latin America and the Caribbean / Ethnic Conflicts / South America / Latinamerican Literature / Frontera / Rubber / Viajes / Voyage / Littératures coloniale de voyage / Travelling / Amazigh culture / Antropologia Visual / Borders and Borderlands / Amazonian indigenous peoples / Etnicidad / Historia Moderna / Viajeros / Antropologia Social / Relações étnico-Raciais / Antropología histórica / Etnología / Relaciones interétnicas / Pueblos indígenas / Extractive industries / Etnologia Indígena / Historical and Comparative Sociology / Political Economy and History / Ethnicity and National Identity / Antropología de la violencia / Race/Ethnicity / Ethnic politics / Relações interétnicas / Antropología económica / Immigration and Ethnicity / Llanos de Moxos / Bolivian History / Escritura / Antropologia Social y Cultural / Historia de la Antropología / Globalizacion / Amazonia Bolivia / Literatura de viajes / Rubber boom (caucho) / Post Extractivismo Y Derechos De La Naturaleza / Neo-extractivism / Extractivismo / Estrategias Espaciales Del Capitalismo:: Perspectiva Desde La Diversidad Social / Spatial Strategies of Capitalism / Nomadic/Indigenous People / Ethnicity and Identity Politics / Inter ethnic Relations / Lowland Tropical Forest / Anthropological and Literary Readings of Narratives / Las “Economías De Frontera” En La Historia Del Capitalismo / Visual Anthropology and Sociology / Ethnicity and Nationality / Estudios De Latinoamerica / Bolivia-provincia :Guarayos / Antropologia / Social Science

L. Córdoba, \"Barbarie en plural: percepciones del indígena en el auge cauchero boliviano\", Journal de la société des américanistes, 101 (1-2), pp. 173-202, 2015.

Discourse Analysis / History / Cultural History / Ethnohistory / Sociology / Cultural Studies / Ethnic Studies / Latin American Studies / Comparative Literature / Latin American Literature (Literature) / Anthropology / Historical Anthropology / Indigenous Studies / Indigenous or Aboriginal Studies / Critical Discourse Studies / Social Anthropology / Self and Identity / Travel Writing / Social Sciences / Latin American and Caribbean History / Globalization / Racial and Ethnic Politics / Wilderness (Environment) / Social Identity / Ethnography / Literature / Indigenous Languages / Translation and Ideology / Border Studies / Geopolitics / Visual Culture / Latin American politics / Political Anthropology / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Amerindian Studies / Amerindian Cosmologies / Social Representations / Bolivian studies / Cultural Theory / Economic Anthropology / Indigenous Politics / Labour history / Identity (Culture) / Race and Ethnicity / Discourse / Ideology / Identity politics / Nationalism / Stereotypes / Stereotypes and Prejudice / Colonialism / Discrimination / Culture / History of Capitalism / Ethnographic Fieldwork (Anthropology) / Indigenous Knowledge / Indigeneity / Representations / Cultural Identity / Capitalism / Brazil / Ethnic and Racial Studies / Amazonia / Ethnology / National Identity / Nationalism And State Building / Ethnography (Research Methodology) / Bolivia / Ethnic Identity / Ethnic minorities / Latin American literature / Language and Ethnicity / Latin American History / Amazonian Languages / Imagination / Extractive industries (Economic Anthropology) / Ethnic Conflict / Archaeology of ethnicity / Race And Ethnicity (in ) migration of indigenous people / South American indigenous languages / Ideology and Discourse Analysis / Race and ethnicity (Anthropology) / Indigenous Peoples / Travel Literature / Social Imaginaries / Representation of Others / Ethnographic fieldwork / Cultural Anthropology / Ethnicity / Ethnographic Methods / Ethnic Relations / Ethnic Identities / Representation Theory / Racial and ethnic discrimination / History of Race and Ethnicity / Frontier Studies / Cultures of Capital and Capitalism / Latin American Colonial Literature / Commodification (Anthropology) / Latin America (esp. Bolivia and Peru) / Anthropology of Capitalism / Ethnicity & Ethnic Conflicts / World systems in the ancient and pre-capitalist worlds / Barbarians Perception / Etnohistoria / Identity / Philosophy of Alterity in Literature / Colonial Latin American History / Varieties of Capitalism / Comparative Ethnic Studies / Barbarians / Historia / Representation / Amazonian Studies / Colonial Discourse / Latin America / Scientists, Naturalists, Travelers and Explorers / Borders and Frontiers / Alterity / Racismo y discriminación / Interethnic Relations / Natural rubber / Cultural Globalization / Antropología cultural / Etnografía / Imaginarios sociales / Identity and Alterity / Etnologia / Amazônia / South American Indians / Sociological Imagination / Indigenismo / Antropología Social / Sociología / Antropología / Ciencias Sociales / Etnicidade / Representaciones Sociales / Bolivian migration / Antropologia, Etnografia, Etnoecologia, Etnohistoria / Globalización / Commodification / Amazonian History / Amazonian Ethnology / Capitalismo / Wildlife / Travel and travelogues / Representações Sociais / Amazonian Cultures / Anthropology of Lowland South America / Alteridade / Amazon / Latinoamerica / América Latina / Fronteras / Latin America and the Caribbean / Ethnic Conflicts / South America / Frontera / Frontier / Etnografia / Nacionalismo / Identidades / Political and economical sociology / Amazonian indigenous peoples / Etnicidad / Alteridad / Amerindian languages / Relações étnico-Raciais / Antropología histórica / Etnología / Relaciones interétnicas / Pueblos indígenas / Rubber plantations / Extractive industries / Etnologia Indígena / Historical and Comparative Sociology / Ethnicity and National Identity / Race/Ethnicity / Ethnic politics / Relações interétnicas / Immigration and Ethnicity / Bolivian History / South American Indian Languages / Amazonia Bolivia / História da Amazônia / Rubber boom (caucho) / Extractivismo / Ethnicity and Developmnet / Spatial Strategies of Capitalism / Boom Del Caucho / Nomadic/Indigenous People / Ethnicity and Identity Politics / Inter ethnic Relations / Sociology of Ethnicity and Race / Barbarie / Barbarism / Racial and Ethnic Relations / Las “Economías De Frontera” En La Historia Del Capitalismo / Othering and Alterity / Interethnic Interaction / Ethnicity and Nationality / Bolivia-provincia :Guarayos / Antropologia / Cultural Studies / Ethnic Studies / Latin American Studies / Comparative Literature / Latin American Literature (Literature) / Anthropology / Historical Anthropology / Indigenous Studies / Indigenous or Aboriginal Studies / Critical Discourse Studies / Social Anthropology / Self and Identity / Travel Writing / Social Sciences / Latin American and Caribbean History / Globalization / Racial and Ethnic Politics / Wilderness (Environment) / Social Identity / Ethnography / Literature / Indigenous Languages / Translation and Ideology / Border Studies / Geopolitics / Visual Culture / Latin American politics / Political Anthropology / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Amerindian Studies / Amerindian Cosmologies / Social Representations / Bolivian studies / Cultural Theory / Economic Anthropology / Indigenous Politics / Labour history / Identity (Culture) / Race and Ethnicity / Discourse / Ideology / Identity politics / Nationalism / Stereotypes / Stereotypes and Prejudice / Colonialism / Discrimination / Culture / History of Capitalism / Ethnographic Fieldwork (Anthropology) / Indigenous Knowledge / Indigeneity / Representations / Cultural Identity / Capitalism / Brazil / Ethnic and Racial Studies / Amazonia / Ethnology / National Identity / Nationalism And State Building / Ethnography (Research Methodology) / Bolivia / Ethnic Identity / Ethnic minorities / Latin American literature / Language and Ethnicity / Latin American History / Amazonian Languages / Imagination / Extractive industries (Economic Anthropology) / Ethnic Conflict / Archaeology of ethnicity / Race And Ethnicity (in ) migration of indigenous people / South American indigenous languages / Ideology and Discourse Analysis / Race and ethnicity (Anthropology) / Indigenous Peoples / Travel Literature / Social Imaginaries / Representation of Others / Ethnographic fieldwork / Cultural Anthropology / Ethnicity / Ethnographic Methods / Ethnic Relations / Ethnic Identities / Representation Theory / Racial and ethnic discrimination / History of Race and Ethnicity / Frontier Studies / Cultures of Capital and Capitalism / Latin American Colonial Literature / Commodification (Anthropology) / Latin America (esp. Bolivia and Peru) / Anthropology of Capitalism / Ethnicity & Ethnic Conflicts / World systems in the ancient and pre-capitalist worlds / Barbarians Perception / Etnohistoria / Identity / Philosophy of Alterity in Literature / Colonial Latin American History / Varieties of Capitalism / Comparative Ethnic Studies / Barbarians / Historia / Representation / Amazonian Studies / Colonial Discourse / Latin America / Scientists, Naturalists, Travelers and Explorers / Borders and Frontiers / Alterity / Racismo y discriminación / Interethnic Relations / Natural rubber / Cultural Globalization / Antropología cultural / Etnografía / Imaginarios sociales / Identity and Alterity / Etnologia / Amazônia / South American Indians / Sociological Imagination / Indigenismo / Antropología Social / Sociología / Antropología / Ciencias Sociales / Etnicidade / Representaciones Sociales / Bolivian migration / Antropologia, Etnografia, Etnoecologia, Etnohistoria / Globalización / Commodification / Amazonian History / Amazonian Ethnology / Capitalismo / Wildlife / Travel and travelogues / Representações Sociais / Amazonian Cultures / Anthropology of Lowland South America / Alteridade / Amazon / Latinoamerica / América Latina / Fronteras / Latin America and the Caribbean / Ethnic Conflicts / South America / Frontera / Frontier / Etnografia / Nacionalismo / Identidades / Political and economical sociology / Amazonian indigenous peoples / Etnicidad / Alteridad / Amerindian languages / Relações étnico-Raciais / Antropología histórica / Etnología / Relaciones interétnicas / Pueblos indígenas / Rubber plantations / Extractive industries / Etnologia Indígena / Historical and Comparative Sociology / Ethnicity and National Identity / Race/Ethnicity / Ethnic politics / Relações interétnicas / Immigration and Ethnicity / Bolivian History / South American Indian Languages / Amazonia Bolivia / História da Amazônia / Rubber boom (caucho) / Extractivismo / Ethnicity and Developmnet / Spatial Strategies of Capitalism / Boom Del Caucho / Nomadic/Indigenous People / Ethnicity and Identity Politics / Inter ethnic Relations / Sociology of Ethnicity and Race / Barbarie / Barbarism / Racial and Ethnic Relations / Las “Economías De Frontera” En La Historia Del Capitalismo / Othering and Alterity / Interethnic Interaction / Ethnicity and Nationality / Bolivia-provincia :Guarayos / Antropologia

Discurso, representación y mirada en el Viaje a Italia de Leandro Fernández de Moratín

Italian (European History) / Literature / The Sublime / Travel Literature / Diarios de Viajes / Nápoles / Naturaleza / Travel and travelogues / Picturesque / Neoclasicismo / Lawrence Sterne / Leandro Fernández de Moratín / Venecia / Literatura Española Del Siglo XVIII / Montañas / Neoclasicism / Libros De Viaje / Nápoles / Naturaleza / Travel and travelogues / Picturesque / Neoclasicismo / Lawrence Sterne / Leandro Fernández de Moratín / Venecia / Literatura Española Del Siglo XVIII / Montañas / Neoclasicism / Libros De Viaje

Sociedad, política, religión y costumbres en el Viaje a Italia de Moratín

Italian (European History) / Religion and Politics / Travel Literature / Diarios de Viajes / Commentary Traditions / Litterature de Voyages / Neoclassicism / Travel and travelogues / Ilustración / Leandro Fernández de Moratín / Sociedad / Literatura de viajes / Literatura Española Del Siglo XVIII / Litterature de Voyages / Neoclassicism / Travel and travelogues / Ilustración / Leandro Fernández de Moratín / Sociedad / Literatura de viajes / Literatura Española Del Siglo XVIII
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